“Deadcon,” directed by Caryn Waechter, follows a group of social media influencers who attend a digital media conference, only to find themselves haunted by a malevolent force linked to the dark history of the hotel where the event is held. As the influencers face terrifying supernatural occurrences, they must confront the consequences of their online personas and the sinister presence that threatens their lives.
Views: 45
Director: Caryn Waechter
Actors: Carl Gilliard, Claudia Sulewski, Jessie Paege, Keith Machekanyanga, Lauren Luthringshausen, Lukas Gage, Mark Dohner, Mimi Gianopulos, Patricia Caeli Santaolalla López, Richard Kohnke
Country: United States of America
Company: Gunpowder & Sky
Budget: $100,000