Alien: Ore
Lorraine, a dedicated worker in a planetary mining colony, dreams of improving the future for her daughter and grandchildren. When she discovers a colleague’s death under suspicious conditions during her shift, she must decide whether to flee or to stand up against management’s directives, confronting her fears to protect her family’s well-being. (This is one of six short films created to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the 1979 film “Alien.”)
Views: 41
Genre: Horror, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction
Director: Kailey Spear, Sam Spear
Actors: Alexandra Quispe, Ambrose Gardener, Bola Omodara, Calder Stewart, Dalj Brar, Julie Boersema, Mikela Jay, Steven Stiller, Tara Pratt, Theresa Wong
Country: Canada
Company: Sizzle Snap Productions, Tongal, Twentieth Century Fox
Awards: 2 wins & 9 nominations