In “Desolate,” directed by Frederick Cipoletti, a family of farmers struggles to survive in a drought-stricken landscape, leading them into a world of crime and violence. As tensions rise and loyalties are tested, the brothers must navigate their fractured relationships and the harsh realities of their choices.
Views: 42
Genre: Drama
Director: Frederick Cipoletti
Actors: Bill Tangradi, Callan Mulvey, Jack Conley, James Russo, Jonathan Rosenthal, Juston Street, Natasha Bassett, Takuya Iba, Tyson Ritter, Will Brittain
Company: Mill House Motion Pictures
Awards: 2 wins
1h 26minRelease: 2019
Release Date: 2019-07-12
IMDb: 5.1
TMDB: 5.6
Rotten Tomatoes: 8%
Metacritic: 39