“Phil,” directed by Greg Kinnear, follows the story of a depressed dentist who becomes obsessed with uncovering the reasons behind the unexpected suicide of a seemingly happy patient. As he delves deeper into the man’s life, Phil embarks on a journey of self-discovery, leading to unexpected revelations and personal transformation.
Views: 46
Director: Greg Kinnear
Actors: April Cameron, Bradley Whitford, Emily Mortimer, Greg Kinnear, Jay Duplass, Kurt Fuller, Luke Wilson, Megan Charpentier, Sarah Dugdale, Taylor Schilling
Country: Canada
Company: Bron Studios, Creative Wealth Media Finance, Imperative Entertainment
Awards: 1 win & 3 nominations
1h 46minRelease: 2019
Release Date: 2019-07-05
IMDb: 5.4
TMDB: 5.0
Rotten Tomatoes: 27%
Metacritic: 30