The Black Widow Killer
In this 2018 thriller helmed by Adrian Langley, the plot centers on a clever and elusive serial murderer who preys on unsuspecting individuals, creating an aura of mystery and dread. Featuring Sarah Wisser and Douglas Kidd, the film showcases performances that add layers to the spine-tingling story. With its captivating storyline and tense ambiance, this movie keeps audiences riveted. It is available for free streaming on Soap2day for those who wish to watch it.
Views: 42
Director: Adrian Langley
Actors: Alison Brooks, Bradley Hamilton, Eldon Hunter, Erin Karpluk, Julia Knope, Karen Cliche, Laura Afelskie, Mikael Conde, Norman Mikeal Berketa, Roger Dunn
Country: Canada
Company: Black Widow Films, Broadview Films, Reel World Management