Bathtubs Over Broadway
“Bathtubs Over Broadway” is a documentary that follows comedy writer Steve Young as he discovers the hidden world of industrial musicals, elaborate productions created by corporations for their sales meetings and conventions. As Young delves deeper into this unique subculture, he uncovers a treasure trove of rare recordings and meets the people behind these forgotten performances, revealing a fascinating and quirky slice of American entertainment history.
Views: 37
Genre: Comedy, Documentary, Music
Director: Dava Whisenant
Actors: Chita Rivera, David Letterman, Don Bolles, Florence Henderson, Jello Biafra, Martin Short, Sheldon Harnick, Steve Young, Susan Stroman, Willi Burke
Country: United States of America
Company: Blumhouse Television, Cactus Flower Films, Impact Partners
Awards: 13 wins & 13 nominations
1h 27minRelease: 2018
Release Date: 2018-04-21
IMDb: 7.6
TMDB: 8.2
Rotten Tomatoes: 100%
Metacritic: 78