Dinosaur Train
“Dinosaur Train” is a U.S. animated TV series crafted by Craig Bartlett. The storyline follows Buddy, an inquisitive young Tyrannosaurus Rex, who embarks on journeys with his adoptive Pteranodon family aboard the Dinosaur Train. Together, they encounter, explore, and embark on adventures with various dinosaurs. The show is a production of The Jim Henson Company, in collaboration with Media Development Authority, Sparky Animation, FableVision, and Snee-Oosh, Inc. Notably, it is the second series from The Jim Henson Company to utilize CGI animation.
Views: 30
Director: Craig Bartlett
Studio: The Jim Henson Company
Creators: Craig Bartlett
Awards: 9 nominations
TV Status: Returning Series
11minRelease: 2009
IMDb: 6.5
TMDb: 6.2
Metacritic: 6.5
FilmAffinity: 4.7
Country: Singapore, United States of America
Networks: PBS Kids