Skin Creepers
In this 2018 horror-comedy helmed by Ezra Tsegaye, two siblings set out to create an adult film, but their plans take a terrifying turn when they become ensnared in a nightmare with a demonic presence. The film skillfully blends comedy and horror, offering a distinct cinematic experience. It showcases a group of lesser-known actors who provide unexpectedly strong performances. For those curious, the film is available to watch for free on Soap2day.
Views: 30
Genre: Comedy, Fantasy, Horror
Director: Ezra Tsegaye
Actors: Annika Strauss, Barbara Prakopenka, Dieter Landuris, Mai Duong Kieu, Micaela Schäfer, Nicolás Artajo, Nicolas Szent, Sesede Terziyan, Thomas Schmuckert
Country: Germany
Company: Botchco Films
Awards: 4 wins & 1 nomination