Money Heist
“Money Heist” is a Spanish heist crime drama series that follows a criminal mastermind known as “The Professor” who plans the biggest heist in recorded history by recruiting eight people with unique skills to infiltrate the Royal Mint of Spain and print billions of euros. As the meticulously planned operation unfolds, the robbers must navigate intense pressure from the police, internal conflicts, and unforeseen complications, all while trying to execute their ambitious plan.
Views: 283
Director: Álex Pina
Studio: Vancouver Media
Creators: Álex Pina
Awards: 38 wins & 45 nominations
TV Status: Ended
Release: 2017
IMDb: 8.2
TMDb: 8.2
Rotten Tomatoes: 94%
Metacritic: 6.7
FilmAffinity: 6.9
Country: Spain
Networks: NetflixAntena 3
Starring: Álvaro Morte, Darko Peric, Esther Acebo, Itziar Ituño, Jaime Lorente, Miguel Herrán, Najwa Nimri, Pedro Alonso, Rodrigo de la Serna, Úrsula Corberó