Hollywood Dirt
Hollywood descends upon the quaint town of Quincy, home to the elusive Crown Cola billionaires, aiming to capture their rags-to-riches story on film. Summer Jenkins, once shunned by the community, teams up with Ben, the location scout, to secure filming sites, recruit extras, and coordinate with local officials and homeowners. When movie star Cole Masten arrives, he and Summer clash initially, but undeniable chemistry soon emerges. Cole, escaping a bitter divorce, finds himself drawn to Summer, who is eager to escape the town’s relentless gossip. This narrative beautifully weaves together Southern traditions, the journey of a Southern woman, and a Hollywood actor discovering his leading lady.
Views: 90
Director: Tosca Musk
Actors: Barry Ratcliffe, Beverly Leech, Emma Catherine Rigby, Emma Rigby, Jason Vail, Joel Michaely, Johann Urb, Marco Dapper, Melissa LeEllen, Mindy Cohn, Stephanie Walters
Country: Germany, South Africa, United States of America
Company: Passionflix