The Blue Hour
“The Blue Hour,” directed by Anucha Boonyawatana, is a haunting Thai drama that explores the intersection of love and the supernatural. The film follows a young man who, while grappling with his own identity and family issues, forms a deep connection with another boy in an eerie, abandoned swimming pool, leading to a journey filled with mystery and self-discovery.
Views: 21
Director: Anucha Boonyawatana
Actors: Apiwat Didsunthiae, Atthaphan Phunsawat, Chaowalit Teangsap, Duangjai Hiransri, Gun Atthaphan Phunsawat, Nipon Jitkert, Nithiroj Simkamtom, Oabnithi Wiwattanawarang, Panutchai Kittisatima, Phiao Duangjai Hiransri, Supachai Nakboon, Teeradet Juthamongkhon
Country: Thailand
Company: 185º Equator, G Village
Awards: 2 wins & 12 nominations