Ana y Bruno
“Ana y Bruno” is an animated film that follows a young girl named Ana who embarks on a thrilling adventure to find her missing father. Along the way, she encounters a group of quirky and endearing imaginary friends who help her navigate a world filled with challenges and surprises.
Views: 66
Genre: Action, Adventure, Animation, Family
Director: Carlos Carrera
Actors: Alvaro Guerrero, Damián Alcázar, Daniel Carrera, Galia Mayer, Héctor Bonilla, Marina de Tavira, Mauricio Isaac, Mercedes Hernández, Regina Orozco, Silverio Palacios
Country: Argentina, Brazil, India, Mexico, United States of America
Company: AG Studios, Altavista Films, Anima Estudios
Awards: 3 wins & 2 nominations
Worldwide Gross: $976,967
1h 36minRelease: 2017
Release Date: 2017-09-01
IMDb: 6.7
TMDB: 7.6
Rotten Tomatoes: 71%
FilmAffinity: 6.4