3 Days of Normal
“3 Days of Normal” tells the tale of Bill Morgan, a by-the-book deputy who is perfectly happy residing in the charming confines of Washington, New Hampshire. His predictable and calm existence is upended when he discovers and detains a woman named Nikki Gold, who is unconscious in her vehicle due to intoxication. Little does he know, Nikki is a well-known film star seeking a break from the chaos of her celebrity lifestyle.
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Genre: Comedy, Family, Romance
Director: Ishai Setton
Actors: Ajay Naidu, Alex Anfanger, David MacAllen, Erika Woods, Jace Mclean, Joanne Baron, Lin Shaye, Mircea Monroe, Pawel Szajda, Richard Riehle
Country: United States of America
Company: From Out of the Woodwork Productions