Dakishimetai: Shinjitsu no monogatari
“Dakishimetai: Shinjitsu no Monogatari,” directed by Akihiko Shiota, is a poignant drama based on a true story that follows the life of Tsukasa, a young woman who, despite facing significant physical challenges after a car accident, finds love and hope with a compassionate taxi driver named Masami. Their journey together explores themes of resilience, love, and the power of human connection in overcoming life’s adversities.
Views: 49
Director: Akihiko Shiota
Actors: Aya Hirayama, Eriko Satô, Jun Kunimura, Kazue Tsunogae, Keiko Kitagawa, Masataka Kubota, Megumi Sato, Ryo Nishikido, Takumi Saitoh, Yusuke Kamiji
Country: Japan
Company: J Storm, TOHO, Toho Company, Tokyo Broadcasting System (TBS)
Worldwide Gross: $13,651,173