The narrative unfolds in a uniquely structured, secluded prison housing an eclectic group of inmates: a seemingly virtuous young man, a captivating woman, a middle-aged ex-soldier, a young female anime enthusiast, an enigmatic elderly man, and a cat. One day, an unexpected power failure unlocks all the cells, releasing the prisoners. However, the guards have vanished, and the prisoners are unable to locate any way out. When the old man engages in a peculiar ritual, a strange event occurs, affecting both the prison and its inhabitants.
Views: 15
Genre: Action, Animation, Mystery, Science Fiction, Thriller
Director: Hiroaki Ando
Actors: Kazuma Mori, Meg, Miyu Irino, Seizô Katô, Takako Honda
Country: Japan
Company: Bandai Visual Company, Showgate, SUNRISE