The Brazen Bull
A chilling story of misplaced ambition and brutal vengeance unfolds within the depths of a famous, abandoned skyscraper in Los Angeles. The narrative centers on Lauren and her fiancé, a real estate investor, as they experience firsthand the consequences of a madman who operates with cold logic rather than emotion. This enigmatic figure injects a dose of sanity and dark humor into the chaos. The outcome is a delightfully unconventional horror-thriller that defies expectations, pulling the audience into an unexpected realm filled with shadows lurking even in the most illuminated spaces.
Views: 30
Genre: Action, Horror, Thriller
Director: Douglas Elford-Argent
Actors: Anastacia McPherson, Gwendolyn Garver, Jennifer Tisdale, Michael Madsen, Rachel Hunter
Country: United States of America
Company: 30 Something Productions, Libra-Con Productions, Luckster Productions
Budget: $1,000,000