Becoming Redwood
“Becoming Redwood” is a coming-of-age drama that follows a young boy named Redwood, who dreams of reuniting his estranged parents by defeating golf legend Jack Nicklaus at the 1975 Masters Tournament. Set against the backdrop of the 1970s, the film explores themes of family, imagination, and resilience as Redwood navigates the challenges of his unconventional life.
Views: 18
Genre: Drama
Director: Jesse James Miller
Actors: Chad Willett, Clive Holloway, Darcy Laurie, Derek Hamilton, Jennifer Copping, Joshua J. Ballard, Ryan Grantham, Scott Hylands, Tyler Johnston, Viv Leacock
Country: Canada
Company: Storylab Productions
Awards: 4 wins & 13 nominations
Budget: $1,200,000