Set in a poverty-stricken area of the fictional city of San Lovisa, Texas, “EvenHand” follows the journey of two contrasting police officers working together for the first time. Rob Francis, who is recently divorced, struggles to adapt from his previous post in a quiet town. Alongside his new partner, the fiery Ted Morning, he spends his days resolving domestic conflicts and trying to understand a constant stream of petty criminals, arsonists, and addicts. Morning embodies the classic Texas cowboy persona, full of strength and bravado, preferring to make arrests before asking questions. The characters and events in “EvenHand” are intricately connected, leading Francis and Morning to confront the outcomes of their differing methods. Shot on location in San Antonio, Texas, “EvenHand” is a police narrative that focuses not on high-speed chases or gunfights, but on two officers striving to endure in a world where monotonous routines can suddenly turn into intense fear.
Views: 31
Genre: Drama
Director: Joseph Pierson
Actors: Bill Dawes, Bill Sage, Io Tillett Wright
Country: United States of America
Company: Cypress Films (I)
Awards: 1 win
Budget: $500,000