Future Justice
In a future where Titan, Saturn’s moon, serves as a detention center for Earth’s most dangerous criminals, inmates await their return to Earth for trial and execution. Among them is Python Diamond, who is being transported back to Earth under the watch of five military police officers. However, upon their arrival, they discover that a devastating nuclear war has left the planet nearly barren. As they search for survivors and try to uncover the cause of the catastrophe, they stumble upon a bunker where scientists, Earth’s last hope, are hiding. Unfortunately, their spacecraft’s landing attracts the attention of a gang scavenging the desolate landscape for food and supplies. This gang tracks them to the concealed, well-stocked refuge and launches an assault, resulting in a fierce and deadly confrontation.
Views: 23
Genre: Action, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction
Director: Richard Griffin
Actors: Aaron Andrade, Christian Masters, Elyssa Baldassarri, Johnny Sederquist, Michael Thurber, Monica Saviolakis, Nathaniel Sylva, Ninny Nothin, Rich Tretheway, Steven O'Broin, Tobias Wilson
Country: United States of America
Company: Scorpio Film Releasing
Budget: $20,000