Fifty Shades Uncovered
“Fifty Shades Uncovered” is a fresh documentary shot in London and New York that delves into the intriguing realm of submissive romance and the influence of the “Fifty Shades of Grey” series. Through recent interviews with authors, actors, and fans, the film offers a comprehensive examination of why this trilogy has achieved such remarkable success. Whether labeled as erotic fiction, adult romance, or “mommy porn,” it reveals the secrets behind a cultural and sexual sensation that continues to captivate audiences globally.
Views: 105
Genre: Documentary
Director: Sonia Anderson
Actors: Aura Borealis, David Wartnaby, Emily Florence Shaw, Eugene Doyle, Jenny Eclair, Katie Hopkins, Lauren Bowgen, Philip Goulding, Phillip Hodson, Simon Francis, Tessa Gaukroger
Country: United Kingdom
Company: A2B Media
Budget: $125,000