The Joke Thief
“The Joke Thief” follows the story of a comedian’s final attempt at redemption. Simon McCabe, a stand-up comic who has spent 35 years bringing laughter to audiences, finds himself exhausted and disheartened, his career nearly over due to a reputation for stealing jokes. Despite being the life of the party for so long, he never caught a lucky break. One pivotal night, a fellow comedian and longtime friend persuades a comedy club owner to offer Simon a chance to perform, giving him one last opportunity to prove himself. As Simon travels to the gig, he reflects on his life, sharing poignant flashbacks that reveal the experiences that shaped him into the sorrowful yet humorous man he has become.
Views: 116
Genre: Drama
Director: Frank D'Angelo
Actors: Alyson Court, Art Hindle, Daniel Baldwin, Francesco Antonio, Frank D'Angelo, Gary Gamble, Jason Blicker, John Ashton, Keisha Augustin, Linda Gale
Country: Canada
Company: In Your Ear Productions
Awards: 3 wins & 7 nominations