Elephant Kingdom
When the valiant elephant Rock, voiced by Cary Elwes, witnesses the abduction of his wife Melody, played by Alexa PenaVega, by a formidable human king portrayed by Patrick Warburton, he realizes he needs substantial assistance from his companions to save her. Joining his mission is a spirited and brave group of young elephants, featuring Rally (Carlos PenaVega) and Pugsley (Mikey Bolts), along with the ever-reliable and eccentric Wingman (Garrett Clayton) and the compassionate human queen (Ambyr Childers). This unforgettable elephant adventure is packed with breathtaking action scenes!
Views: 47
Genre: Adventure, Animation, Family
Director: Melanie Simka, Taweelap Srivuthivong
Actors: Alexa PenaVega, Ambyr Childers, Carlos PenaVega, Cary Elwes, Garrett Clayton, Mikey Bolts, Patrick Warburton
Country: United States of America