My Blue Heaven
In “My Blue Heaven,” a comedy directed by Herbert Ross, a flamboyant former mobster named Vinnie Antonelli enters the witness protection program and is relocated to a quiet suburban neighborhood. As he struggles to adapt to his new life, his charismatic antics and knack for trouble create chaos, leading to an unlikely friendship with a straight-laced FBI agent.
Views: 46
Director: Herbert Ross
Actors: Bill Irwin, Carol Kane, Daniel Stern, Deborah Rush, Jesse Bradford, Joan Cusack, Melanie Mayron, Rick Moranis, Steve Martin, William Hickey
Country: United States of America
Company: Hawn / Sylbert Movie Company, Warner Bros.
Worldwide Gross: $23,591,472
1h 37minRelease: 1990
Release Date: 1990-08-17
IMDb: 6.2
TMDB: 6.1
Rotten Tomatoes: 71%
Metacritic: 35
FilmAffinity: 4.4