Star Boys
“Star Boys,” directed by Visa Koiso-Kanttila, is a coming-of-age drama set in the 1970s, focusing on two young boys whose lives are upended when their parents join a free-spirited artistic community. As the boys navigate the complexities of their changing world, they grapple with themes of innocence, family dynamics, and the search for identity amidst the backdrop of societal transformation.
Views: 14
Director: Visa Koiso-Kanttila
Actors: Antti Luusuaniemi, Eeva-Maija Haukinen, Janne Raudaskoski, Malla Malmivaara, Olavi Angervo, Otto Koiso-Kanttila, Pihla Viitala, Risto Tuorila, Tomi Enbuska, Vili Saarela
Company: Dragon Films, Silva Mysterium Oy
Awards: 6 nominations
Budget: 1,183,000
Worldwide Gross: $173,164