“Bunnyman” follows a group of friends returning from an impromptu weekend getaway in Las Vegas. As they travel through the isolated areas of southern California, they become entangled in a terrifying chase with a massive dump truck. In their desperate search for assistance, they encounter a horrifying family with a gruesome penchant for dismembering and consuming as many of the young travelers as they can.
Views: 37
Genre: Horror
Director: Carl Lindbergh
Actors: Alaina Gianci, Andrew Chavez, Carl Lindbergh, Cheryl Texiera, Joseph Darden, Joshua Lang, Karen Brown Cronin, Matthew Albrecht, Scott Kuza, Veronica Wylie
Country: United States of America
Company: ANOC Productions
1h 30minRelease: 2011
Release Date: 2011-06-20
IMDb: 3
TMDB: 4.6
Rotten Tomatoes: 22%
FilmAffinity: 2.8