Walter, a non-fiction writer, becomes enamored with Agnes, a physics student. Her intense approach to life and her introverted demeanor captivate him, as they starkly contrast with his own calm and routine existence. Inspired by Agnes, Walter begins to pursue his interest in writing fiction, embarking on a project to create a literary depiction of his perception of her.
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Director: Johannes Schmid
Actors: Berit Menze, Johny Mathew, Maximilian Scheidt, Odine Johne, Oliver Bürgin, Regine Andratschke, Sonja Baum, Stephan Kampwirth, Walter Hess
Country: Germany
Company: ATrack Film, Lieblingsfilm, Westdeutscher Rundfunk (WDR)
Awards: 1 win & 1 nomination