Sky Blue
In the animated film “Sky Blue,” directed by Moon-saeng Kim, a dystopian future is depicted where Earth’s ecosystem has collapsed, and the remnants of humanity are divided between the elite inhabitants of the high-tech city Ecoban and the oppressed laborers of the wasteland. The story follows a young woman named Jay and her childhood friend Shua as they become entangled in a rebellion that challenges the oppressive societal structure and seeks to restore balance to their world.
Views: 24
Genre: Action, Adventure, Animation, Science Fiction
Director: Moon-saeng Kim
Actors: Eun Yeong Seon, Joon-ho Chung, Kim Sung-Min, Oh In Seong, Sunmin Park, Won-Je Tak, Yoo Ji-tae
Country: South Korea, United States of America
Company: End Game Productions Inc., Gainax, Masquerade Films
Awards: 1 win & 1 nomination
Budget: $9,750,000
Worldwide Gross: $197,221
1h 26minRelease: 2003
Release Date: 2003-07-17
IMDb: 6.6
TMDB: 6.1
Rotten Tomatoes: 53%
Metacritic: 53
FilmAffinity: 6.2