At the Sinatra Club
In this intense biographical film, notorious Mafia figure John Gotti, portrayed by Danny Nucci, claws his way to the pinnacle of organized crime through manipulation, force, and murder. The story unfolds through the eyes of Salvatore Polisi, played by Jason Gedrick, the proprietor of the Sinatra Club, a favored gathering spot for Gotti’s gang. Eager to establish his reputation, the ambitious young Gotti devises a bold plan to rob an armored car, aiming to capture the attention of the leaders of New York’s five dominant crime families.
Views: 54
Genre: Action, Biography, Crime, Drama, Thriller
Director: James Quattrochi
Actors: Adam Gifford, Andy Davoli, Brooke Lewis Bellas, Danny Nucci, Ellen Hollman, Jason Gedrick, Jeremy Luke, Joey Lawrence, Leo Rossi, Mark Belasco, Michael Nouri
Country: United States of America
Company: San Pietro Productions, Ubatz Productions, United Pacific Studios
Budget: $2,500,000