The Hills Run Red
“The Hills Run Red,” directed by Dave Parker, follows a group of horror enthusiasts who venture into the woods to uncover the truth behind a legendary lost slasher film. As they delve deeper, they find themselves entangled in a terrifying reality that blurs the line between fiction and horror.
Views: 69
Genre: Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Dave Parker
Actors: Alex Wyndham, Ekaterina Temelkova, Ewan Bailey, Hristo Mitzkov, Janet Montgomery, Joy McBrinn, Mike Straub, Sophie Monk, Tad Hilgenbrink, William Sadler
Country: Bulgaria, United States of America
Company: Dark Castle Entertainment, Fever Dreams, Warner Premiere
Awards: 1 nomination
1h 21minRelease: 2009
Release Date: 2009-09-29
IMDb: 5.4
TMDB: 5.8
Rotten Tomatoes: 57%
FilmAffinity: 4.6