Rescue Rabbit
Prepare for the most extraordinary adventure a rabbit has ever experienced! When Nano’s grandfather suddenly becomes ill, the brave young Nano and his loyal friend Lilly must utilize a miniaturization device to shrink themselves to a tiny size and set off on a dangerous mission to rescue him. They enlist the help of Rappel the Rabbit, the only one capable of leading the pint-sized adventurers through the bewildering labyrinth. With the clock ticking, this fearless team must act quickly, demonstrating that courage isn’t measured by size!
Views: 25
Director: Peter Claridge
Actors: Bernhard Hoëcker, Christiane Paul, Dietrich Grönemeyer, Malte Arkona
Country: Germany
Company: Der kleine Medicus (DKM), WunderWerk, Zeitsprung Pictures
Awards: 1 nomination
Worldwide Gross: $1,314,704