Royal Hearts
In “Royal Hearts,” directed by James Brolin, a Montana rancher named Hank unexpectedly inherits a kingdom in a faraway land, prompting him and his daughter Kelly to travel there and navigate the challenges of royal life. As they adjust to their new roles, they discover the importance of family, love, and embracing unexpected opportunities.
Views: 65
Director: James Brolin
Actors: Andrew Cooper, Cindy Busby, Claudiu Trandafir, Glynis Barber, Howard Crossley, James Brolin, Jeremy Colton, Lachlan Nieboer, Martin Wimbush, Olivia Niță
Country: Romania, United States of America
Company: Brad Krevoy Television
1h 24minRelease: 2018
Release Date: 2018-02-24
IMDb: 6
TMDB: 6.1
Rotten Tomatoes: 38%
FilmAffinity: 3.6