Devil’s Tree: Rooted Evil
Based on real-life events, “The Devils Tree” centers on Samantha, a journalism student who is on the hunt for a final groundbreaking story to complete her thesis. Together with her friend Rob, she discovers an article about an ancient tree in a nearby park, notorious for being the site of gruesome events. The tree, dubbed the Devils Tree by locals, is shrouded in urban myths involving mass murders, satanic rituals, and supernatural occurrences. Seeing this as the ideal subject for her thesis, Samantha delves into the mysteries surrounding the tree. As she investigates, she begins to unravel the truth behind these legends. Battling her own personal struggles, Samantha encounters the true malevolence linked to the tree and is determined to reveal the truth to liberate it. Ultimately, she uncovers the underlying cause of the evil that is deeply entrenched at the Devils Tree.
Views: 58
Director: Chris Alonso, Joshua Louis
Actors: Dan Crisafulli, Eddie Kaulukukui, Erin Ownbey, Jevon White, Logan Gambill, Maddy Curley, Michael Ray Davis, Roberto Escobar, Roy Lynam, Sharon Pfeiffer
Country: United States of America
Company: Magic Flame Productions