Girls vs Gangsters
“Girls vs Gangsters,” directed by Barbara Wong Chun-Chun, follows a group of friends who embark on a bachelorette trip to Vietnam, only to find themselves entangled in a wild adventure involving gangsters and a missing bride-to-be. As they navigate through a series of comedic and chaotic events, the friends must rely on their wits and camaraderie to resolve the situation and make it back home safely.
Views: 55
Director: Barbara Wong Chun-Chun
Actors: Bảo Sơn Trần, Elly Nguyen, Fan Tiantian, Fiona Sit, Gus Liem, Ivy Chen, Janine Chang, Janine Chun-Ning Chang, Mike Tyson, Nina Komolova, Wang Shuilin
Company: Acutance Pictures Corporation of China, New Studio Media, Perfect Sky Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $10,265,819