Max Embarrassing
“Max Embarrassing,” directed by Lotte Svendsen, is a Danish coming-of-age comedy that follows the life of Max, a socially awkward teenager who constantly finds himself in cringe-worthy situations, often exacerbated by his well-meaning but embarrassing mother. As Max navigates the trials of adolescence, he learns valuable lessons about self-acceptance and the importance of embracing one’s individuality.
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Director: Lotte Svendsen
Actors: Anders Hove, Anna Agafia Svideniouk Egholm, Caroline Henderson, Faysal Mobahriz, Lars Bom, Louise Mieritz, Mette Agnete Horn, Ophelia Eriksen, Rasmus Bjerg, Samuel Heller-Seiffert
Country: Denmark
Company: Asta Film, Filmcompagniet, Max Film Aps
Awards: 3 wins & 3 nominations
Worldwide Gross: $1,694,896