Curse of the Mayans
Danielle Noble, portrayed by Carla Ortiz, joins forces with a group of skilled cave divers under the leadership of a driven American archaeologist named Steve Wilcox. Together, they embark on a mission to discover the fabled Mayan Library. However, they unexpectedly stumble upon the concealed entrance to the underworld, referred to as Xib’alb’a.
Views: 38
Genre: Action, Drama, Horror, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction
Director: Joaquin Rodriguez
Actors: Alberto Haggar, Carla Ortiz, Emilio Koh Albornoz, Luis Felipe Tovar, Luis Salinas, Mariana Ivanova Hernandez, Mark Tacher, Olga Fonda, Ricardo Lima, Steve Wilcox
Country: Mexico
Company: Lanczyner Films, Three Great Lights Films
Budget: $11,000,000