Terry the Tomboy
“Terry the Tomboy” follows the story of a self-assured tomboy with a penchant for bacon and a disregard for showers, who is determined to triumph in the county fair’s pie-eating competition this summer. However, her priorities shift when she encounters her new neighbor, Brett (played by Charlie Depew from “The Amazing Spiderman”). Suddenly, pies take a backseat as she faces an unexpected dilemma: she’s a tomboy who has unexpectedly found herself in love.
Views: 47
Director: Wade Randolph
Actors: Charlie DePew, Christopher Bones, Eric Acosta, Jennifer Elise Cox, Kelsy Abbott, Lia Marie Johnson, Noland Ammon, Tiffany Espensen
Country: United States of America
Company: AwesomenessTV Production
Budget: $550,000