Skeletons in the Closet
“Skeletons in the Closet” is a late-night horror anthology TV series starring The Widow and her deceased spouse, Charlie. In each installment, they offer amusing commentary on a selection of B-movie horror flicks, some of which are genuinely frightening. Their biggest admirer, an inquisitive 11-year-old named Jamie, never misses an episode. With her parents out for the night, Jamie eagerly settles in front of the TV to indulge in the thrilling scares, but her beloved Friday night horror show is repeatedly disrupted by her bothersome new babysitter, Tina. If they can endure each other’s company, they might just make it through the night!
Views: 32
Genre: Horror
Director: B.A. Lewandowski, Robert Patrick Stern, Tony Wash
Actors: Adam Michaels, Alaina Kramer, Elizabeth Stenholt, Ellie Church, Leigh Rose, Lia Sullivan
Country: United States of America
Company: Scotchworthy Productions, The Line Film Company
Awards: 1 nomination