Fat Buddies
The film centers on a duo of clumsy, heavyset police officers who unexpectedly become entangled in a drug smuggling investigation. Agent “J” (played by Zhang Wen) suffers a head injury during a high-stakes mission, which damages his intracranial hypothalamus. During his recovery, J gains significant weight, reaching three hundred pounds, and develops severe narcolepsy, yet he still sees himself as a top-notch agent. Eventually, J is assigned a new mission in Japan to retrieve sensitive documents. After securing the files, J impulsively decides to continue the mission to protect the organization, but he collapses in an izakaya. Upon waking up in the hospital, J meets a security guard named Handsome Hao (played by Bei-Er Bao), who is eager to prove his worth and insists on joining the mission. As they work together, the unlikely partners repeatedly face absurd and perilous situations.
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Director: Bei'er Bao
Actors: Bao Bei Er, Clara Lee, Guo Jingfei, Jackie Li, Manfred Wong, Manfred Wong Man-Chun, Qi Yuwu, Ryu Kohata, Song Jia, Wen Zhang, Yasuaki Kurata
Company: Hippo Film, Magilm Pictures, United Entertainment Partners
Worldwide Gross: $37,496,410