Hollywood Game Night
“Hollywood Game Night” is a TV show from the United States that airs on NBC, having first debuted on July 11, 2013. The show features a pair of participants who join celebrities for a relaxed evening of games. One of these participants has the chance to win cash prizes of up to $25,000. The program is presented by Jane Lynch and was confirmed for a second season on August 20, 2013.
Views: 23
Genre: Comedy
Director: Sean Hayes
Studio: Hazy Mills Productions, Mission Control Media, Universal Television
Creators: Alex Chauvin, Don Roy King, Ivan Dudynsky, Michael Agbabian
Awards: Won 2 Primetime Emmys, 7 wins & 11 nominations total
TV Status: Returning Series
45minRelease: 2013
IMDb: 7.3
TMDb: 6.8
Metacritic: 8.3
Country: United States of America
Networks: NBC
Starring: Jane Lynch