The Man With The Magic Box
In “The Man With The Magic Box,” directed by Bodo Kox, a dystopian future in Warsaw sets the stage for a janitor who discovers a mysterious radio capable of time travel. As he navigates the complexities of love and memory, the film explores themes of identity and the impact of the past on the present.
Views: 34
Genre: Drama, Romance, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction
Director: Bodo Kox
Actors: Bartłomiej Firlet, Helena Norowicz, Iwo Adamczyk, Jakub Kamieński, Lena Adamczyk, Marcin Aftyka, Olga Bołądź, Piotr Polak, Sebastian Stankiewicz, Wojciech Zieliński
Company: Alter Ego Pictures, Harine Films, Kreatywna Europa
Awards: 2 wins & 5 nominations
Budget: 5,000,000