Journey 2 The Mysterious Island
In “Journey 2: The Mysterious Island,” directed by Brad Peyton, Sean Anderson partners with his stepfather, Hank, to embark on a daring adventure to a mythical island after receiving a distress signal believed to be from his long-lost grandfather. Together with a helicopter pilot and his daughter, they navigate through the island’s fantastical landscapes and creatures, uncovering secrets and facing challenges to find Sean’s grandfather and escape the island’s impending dangers.
Views: 84
Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Science Fiction
Director: Brad Peyton
Actors: Anna Colwell, Branscombe Richmond, Dwayne Johnson, Josh Hutcherson, Kristin Davis, Luis Guzmán, Michael Caine, Stephen Caudill, Vanessa Hudgens, Walter Bankson
Country: United States of America
Company: Contrafilm, New Line Cinema, Walden Media
Awards: 7 wins & 4 nominations
Budget: $79,000,000
Worldwide Gross: $335,288,576
1h 34minRelease: 2012
Release Date: 2012-01-19
IMDb: 5.7
TMDB: 6.2
Rotten Tomatoes: 45%
Metacritic: 41
FilmAffinity: 4.3