Bikini Spring Break
“Bikini Spring Break,” directed by Jared Cohn, follows a group of college marching band members who find themselves on an unexpected adventure when their bus breaks down during a trip to a competition. As they navigate a series of comedic and risqué situations, the friends must find a way to reach their destination while embracing the chaos of spring break.
Views: 39
Genre: Comedy
Director: Jared Cohn
Actors: Andrew Clements, Barrett Perlman, Erica Duke, Erin O'Brien, Jesse Daley, Rachel Alig, Robert Carradine, Samantha Stewart, Tristan Ott, Virginia Petrucci
Country: United States of America
Company: The Asylum
1h 27minRelease: 2012
Release Date: 2012-06-26
IMDb: 3.1
TMDB: 3.7
Rotten Tomatoes: 11%
FilmAffinity: 2.9