Puppet Master X: Axis Rising
In Puppet Master X, the story revolves around Danny, who is on a mission to save his girlfriend, Beth, with the assistance of Toulon’s puppets. Unfortunately, their aid is cut short when Ozu (played by Terumi Shimazu) steals the puppets. Danny and Beth are then faced with the challenge of retrieving the puppets while also defending themselves against a new group of puppets. At the same time, the occultist Commandant Moebius is plotting to use the puppets’ animating serum to engineer a master race and achieve world domination.
Views: 51
Genre: Action, Comedy, Fantasy, Horror, Science Fiction, War
Director: Charles Band
Actors: Brad Potts, Jean Louise O'Sullivan, Kenichi Iwabuchi, Kip Canyon, Oto Brezina, Ryan Dillon, Scott King, Stephanie Sanditz, Steven Haworth, Terumi Shimazu
Country: United States of America
Company: Full Moon Entertainment
1h 26minRelease: 2012
Release Date: 2012-09-15
IMDb: 3.9
TMDB: 4.4
Rotten Tomatoes: 24%
FilmAffinity: 3.4