Barbie and the Diamond Castle
In “Barbie and the Diamond Castle,” Barbie and her best friend Teresa embark on a magical journey to save the Diamond Castle, a place where music is cherished, from an evil muse who threatens its harmony. Along the way, they discover the power of friendship and music, encountering new friends and overcoming challenges to restore peace and joy to the land.
Views: 173
Genre: Animation, Family, Musical
Director: Gino Nichele
Actors: Cassidy Ladden, Chantal Strand, Heather Doerksen, Kathleen Barr, Kelly Sheridan, Lara Janine, Maryke Hendrikse, Melissa Lyons, Nicole Oliver, Veena Sood
Country: Canada, United States of America
Company: Mattel, Mattel Entertainment, Rainmaker Entertainment
Awards: 1 win
1h 19minRelease: 2008
Release Date: 2008-09-03
IMDb: 6.5
TMDB: 7.4
Rotten Tomatoes: 77%
FilmAffinity: 4.2