“Unbranded,” directed by Phillip Baribeau, is a documentary that follows four young men as they embark on a daring journey to ride wild mustangs from Mexico to Canada across the American West. The film captures the breathtaking landscapes and the challenges faced by the riders, highlighting themes of adventure, conservation, and the bond between humans and horses.
Views: 41
Genre: Adventure, Documentary, Western
Director: Phillip Baribeau
Actors: Ben Masters, Ben Thamer, Jonny Fitzsimons, Thomas Glover
Country: United States of America
Company: Cedar Creek Productions, Implement Productions
Awards: 2 wins
Worldwide Gross: $412,792
1h 46minRelease: 2015
Release Date: 2015-04-25
IMDb: 7.3
TMDB: 6.8
Rotten Tomatoes: 75%
Metacritic: 64
FilmAffinity: 6.4