Lazy Hazy Crazy
“Lazy Hazy Crazy,” directed by Yee-sum Luk, explores the lives of three teenage girls navigating the complexities of friendship, love, and sexual exploration in modern-day Hong Kong. As they confront societal expectations and personal desires, their bond is tested, revealing the challenges and intimacies of adolescence.
Views: 44
Director: Yee-sum Luk
Actors: Ashina Kwok, Dada Chan, Fish Liew, Gregory Wong, Jacky Cai, Ken Lo, Koyi Mak, Sora Aoi, Susan Shaw, Susan Shaw Yam Yam, Tse Sit Chun
Country: Hong Kong
Company: Making Film, One Cool Film Production, Rise Wrestling, Sun Entertainment Culture
Awards: 3 nominations
Worldwide Gross: $179,637