Chronicles of the Ghostly Tribe
“Chronicles of the Ghostly Tribe,” directed by Chuan Lu, follows a young soldier who is thrust into a world of ancient mysteries and supernatural phenomena after a mysterious explosion in the Kunlun Mountains. As he uncovers hidden secrets and encounters mythical creatures, he must navigate a perilous journey that challenges his understanding of reality and his own destiny.
Views: 201
Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama, Thriller
Director: Chuan Lu
Actors: Feng Li, Jerry Lee, Li Feng, Li Jiawen, Li Shengda, Mark Chao, Rhydian Vaughan, Si Ligeng, Tang Yan, Yao Chen, Zhang Zihao
Country: China
Company: Beijing Global Yoodoo Films, Beijing Happy Whale Entertainment, Chuan Films
Awards: 5 wins & 1 nomination
Worldwide Gross: $106,380,000