20 Ft Below: The Darkness Descending
In “20 Ft Below: The Darkness Descending,” a documentary filmmaker ventures into the perilous underground tunnels of New York City, uncovering a hidden society led by a mysterious and charismatic figure. As tensions rise, she must navigate the dangers of this subterranean world while confronting her own fears and the looming threat of chaos.
Views: 27
Genre: Thriller
Director: Marc Clebanoff
Actors: Danny Trejo, Darren Darnborough, Frank Krueger, John Hennigan, Kinga Philipps, Kristoff St. John, Louis Mandylor, Melina Perez, Michael Rene Walton, Tiffany Adams
Country: United States of America
Company: Blue Dragon Entertainment, Odyssey Motion Pictures
Awards: 3 wins & 6 nominations