The Aviator
“The Aviator,” directed by Martin Scorsese, chronicles the early career and tumultuous life of Howard Hughes, a pioneering aviator and film producer. The film explores Hughes’ ambitious ventures in aviation and cinema, as well as his struggles with personal demons and mental health challenges.
Views: 96
Director: Martin Scorsese
Actors: Alan Alda, Alec Baldwin, Cate Blanchett, Danny Huston, Gwen Stefani, Ian Holm, John C. Reilly, Jude Law, Kate Beckinsale, Leonardo DiCaprio
Country: Germany, United States of America
Company: Appian Way, Forward Pass, IMF Internationale Medien und Film GmbH & Co. 3. Produktions KG
Awards: Won 5 Oscars, 89 wins & 131 nominations total
Budget: $110,000,000
Worldwide Gross: $213,719,942
2h 50minRelease: 2004
Release Date: 2004-12-17
IMDb: 7.5
TMDB: 7.2
Rotten Tomatoes: 87%
Metacritic: 77
FilmAffinity: 6.4