Wonderland is a heartfelt and captivating drama that explores the dynamics of relationships among four distinct couples, each at a unique phase in their lives: the destined singles, the joyful newlyweds, the passionate new lovers, and the seasoned married pair. The story follows their journey through the joyful and occasionally challenging landscape of love and friendship.
Located in Wonderland, an apartment complex near one of Australia’s stunning beaches, the residents form a diverse group. Despite their differences, they all share a fundamental trait: each character reflects someone familiar to us, or perhaps even ourselves.
Views: 183
Genre: Drama
Studio: Fremantle Australia
Creators: Jo Porter, Sarah L. Walker
Awards: 2 nominations
TV Status: Ended
1hRelease: 2013
IMDb: 7.8
TMDb: 5.6
Country: Australia
Networks: Network Ten
Starring: Anna Bamford, Ben Mingay, Brooke Satchwell, Emma Lung, Glenn McMillan, Jessica Tovey, Les Hill, Michael Dorman, Tim Ross, Tracy Mann